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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Befriending And Being A Confidante For One’s Crush

Sadly, but unfortunately, this is an activity that many engeedee's (NGD's or nerds/dorks/geeks) engaged it.

They meet someone that have the hugest crush on. To them, this person is the be-all and end-all of the opposite sex. The perfect soulmate.

The fact that the crush would never date a person like the engeedee doesn't matter. The engeedee knows better than the crush anyway!

Since the engeedee is too afraid to ask the crush out - for fear of rejection - which, unfortunately, is usually NOT a groundless fear. The crush would - and does - reject any advances the engeedee would - or does - make!

But as I was saying, as the engeedee is too afraid to ask the crush out, the engeedee tries and settles for being a friend of the crush. Which, quite frankly, is just the way the crush likes it!

If the engeedee is a male, he basically becomes another girlfriend or the equivalent of a gay friend for the girl. She doesn't really see him as a sexual person. That's why she is so comfortable with him, and willing to tell him all her secrets. He's a safe male to her.

And if he tries to suggest something romantic, she just laughs it off.

I'm not 100% certain what the situation is like when the engeedee is a female and the crush male. But if tv shows and movies are any indication, it's not good. They show the crush putting up with the engeedee because he likes the attention. And he uses her for as much as he can get out of her. And then laughs at her if she suggests there is anything romantic.

And truth be told, the female crush often makes use of the male engeedee, getting him to do things for her to stay in her good graces.

To close, I must say this in the crushes' defense, they couldn't use the engeedees, if they didn't let them. If you had someone constantly throwing themselves at you, wouldn't you be tempted to make use of them?

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